Monday, March 22, 2010

Garden Designs

As of last October 2009, I have been living in my home for five years. During those five years I put in three raised beds and dug out five gardens out of the gravel driveway. I made a patio where the previous owners (PO) parked their cars. I decide that I did not need most of my yard around the house to be a driveway. The back section of the driveway is fairly level and would not need to be terraced before I could put in gardens.

The picture above shows all the gardens I dug out of the gravel. The garden on the right side and in back of the bird feeder is the first garden I dug in 2006. The one to the left of it is the second garden. During the digging of the second garden in the summer of 2007, I back my car in to it and required a tow truck to pull me out for over a $100. I also burned up a small rototiller in 2007.

The spring of 2008, I put in the right front garden and in late summer I finished putting in the two small gardens to the left. I also widen the garden next to the back porch by 2-3 feet in 2008. This garden was first dug out in the fall of 2005 so I could transfer the peonies out of the lawn. I widen this garden because it was too must trouble trying to mow a thin strip of grass between the garden and the patio.

The raised beds were dug in 2005 and 2006 and are to the right of the first garden dug out of the driveway. This year I only made two bamboo trellises for my squash vines for the garden. I was all trying to make three cold frames to place over the raised beds but time ran out for 2009 gardening projects.

Projects for 2010: Put in a new garden on the south side side between the house and gardens. Make the three cold frames for the raised beds. Possibly start a raspberry patch and grape vines.

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